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Media here refers to books, movies, journalism, music, video games, and other published content of any genre.

Works that present abject real-world violence for the purpose of entertainment or gratification are specifically excluded from this discussion and should not be misclassified as “media.”

  1. Consumption is value-neutral. No one is evil for consuming a particular piece of media, nor is it possible to consume your way to virtue.
  2. Even so, some media causes harm. When a work targets a group based on any immutable trait, consumers have a social responsibility to respond with due outrage.
  3. Criticism is not censorship. Everyone has the right to express ideas: artist, audience, and world. A movie is an idea, and so is a boycott. A book is an idea, and so is a refusal to publish it. Neither artist nor art is immune to public criticism and deplatforming, nor is criticism immune to response.
  4. Government censorship is not valid criticism. If a person wants to engage with a work of their own free will, they must be permitted regardless of their age or place in society. It’s appropriate to inform, advise, and persuade, but never to forbid.
  5. Appreciation is not endorsement. A work need not be evaluated on a single axis. If it’s both sublime and reprehensible, learn to bear enjoyment and discomfort together.
  6. All distinctions between “low” and “high” art are constructed. If you read a Russian classic one day and a gossip column the next and are satisfied with both, then your time is well spent.
  7. Reaction needs no justification. No one is required to like or dislike anything for reasons of affiliation, theme, medium, or style.